Tuesday, March 20, 2018

End of quarter blog post (coding)

This quarter in coding I learned the basics of unity, including the principles of its physics. One thing that took me a long time to do is actually to make the objects not fall through the ground. I have also learned how to insert an object that can be used as a player or add specific effects (particle effects, for example). I might continue to work with unity in the future.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Coding reflection (8th grade)

This quarter in coding I learned some basics of python and also started working on a platformer in unity (using free assets). I, Sam, and Matia are working in a group. We each have our own jobs in the group. I am the designer (most of the time). We are currently exploring several effects available in unity.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

outreach reflection

  1. What did you do during this event/activity (describe your job or how you helped)?  Be specific. 
  2. we first did a "rolling experience". we tried to move around and do tasks in a wheelchair. 
  1. Answer at least ONE of the following:
  • How did you “feel” about helping out?  Why do you think you felt this way?
  • What did you learn while you were helping out?  How do you feel about learning that?
  • i learned that whatever difficulty there is, theres always a way to overcome it. i felt enlightened about learning that.
  • Did anyone say anything during that activity that made you realize what you were doing was important?  What was it and explain why it impacted you in this way.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


What was the most challenging thing about the trip?
Setting up the tents. You actually need to "work"
What are you most proud of?
Looking at the pics and making memes of them.
What did you learn about yourself?
That I can handle hikes XD

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Question

The Question: what is science like to me?

Well, before answering the question, I'd like to introduce myself.

So, first of all, hi, my name is Zimo (which you totally didn't know). I enjoy the simple things in life: eating, sleeping, and browsing memes on the internet. But beyond those things, I do have hobbies. They include: Skiing, coding, gaming, drawing stuff (both digitally and with a pencil), etc. Five years for now, I want to become a hacker. Just kidding, not really, but I don want to dig somewhat deeper into computer science.

Here's the answer to the question. For me, science is most like the internet. But better. This may sound strange, but I mean, when I don’t understand stuff, I’ll ask science. Same as I would ask google. The only big difference is that science is more trustworthy and the internet is quicker.

I would like to grow as a skillful communicator this year, as I would classify myself as a socially awkward person; and I'm NOT that kind of person that ENJOYS communicating. But if I don't enjoy it, at least I can be somewhat better at it.

Monday, June 5, 2017

End of the year blog post

Describe what are you most proud of in math this year. –– to simply be in algebra 1 and do okay.
Describe ways you improved in your study skills or habits of learning. –– double check stuff more Did you have an “ah - ha” moment when you learned something really cool? –– Not really
What did you like best about this class? What was the most challenging experience for you? –– I liked the end of the class XD, and the systems of equations were particularly challenging.
Explain your goals for next school year (this summer if applicable) and your
plan to reach these goals. –– just do good in terms of grades while learning stuff i guess. I'll just try to do my best. Specific learning strategies will be improvised on the way.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Womba ball blog

Recently we had a womba-ball-unit in pe. It was a similar sort to baseball, but simpler, quicker and requiring less people to play and was quite fun. Mainly we learned how to bat properly.(couldn't find a very creative image)